Article about Duke University and their Muslim call to prayer
I’m so happy I didn’t send my son here. Of course he did go to Princeton and had Al “Jazeera” Gore as the one of the commencement speakers. Honestly, whatever. But I will bet any amount of money that not a single atheist will complain or raise even the faintest objection about this. Imagine the outrage from the atheists if Duke took a similar step toward promoting the practice of Christianity among its students! There is a reason for this. All of these people: atheists, Muslims, progressives (communists), LGBT, etc. are all worshippers of the Beast and are all marching in lockstep toward the same goal. It doesn’t matter that their supposed ideologies are in conflict. The ideologies are just a smokescreen. The real reality is enslavement to and worship of the Beast. That is the prevailing reality, logical contradictions notwithstanding.