Category Archives: Eschatology

What does the Bible say about the end times and the return of Christ?

Duke University Adopts the Religion of the Beast

Article about Duke University and their Muslim call to prayer

I’m so happy I didn’t send my son here. Of course he did go to Princeton and had Al “Jazeera” Gore as the one of the commencement speakers. Honestly, whatever. But I will bet any amount of money that not a single atheist will complain or raise even the faintest objection about this. Imagine the outrage from the atheists if Duke took a similar step toward promoting the practice of Christianity among its students! There is a reason for this. All of these people: atheists, Muslims, progressives (communists), LGBT, etc. are all worshippers of the Beast and are all marching in lockstep toward the same goal. It doesn’t matter that their supposed ideologies are in conflict. The ideologies are just a smokescreen. The real reality is enslavement to and worship of the Beast. That is the prevailing reality, logical contradictions notwithstanding.

When will the temple be rebuilt?

Indications from 2Thessalonians 2:1-4 are that Jesus will not return until the antichrist (i.e. “man of sin”) is revealed and takes his seat in the temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

Presently that really cannot happen in any literal sense, since there is no temple. However there is definitely interest that is building on the part of Jewish Israelis to erect a temple on the original site of Solomon’s and Ezra’s (i.e. Herod’s) temples. That site is now occupied by the Al Aqsa mosque. Apparently when Jerusalem was recaptured in 1967 by Israel, there was some sort of “deal” made whereby non-Muslims can visit the site, but cannot pray there. Increasingly, Israel is chafing against this “deal” and is desirous of erecting a temple, perhaps on this site.

Article in today’s UK Telegraph

Thy kingdom come!

Getting ready for Revelation 13?

Revelation 13 describes two beasts, the first of which could be understood to be the “antichrist” and the second who could be understood to be the “false prophet” of Revelation 16:13. Could the two horns of the lamb that speaks like a dragon in Revelation 13:11 represent the church of Rome and the eastern orthodox church hierarchies?

In this article, you can see the representatives of the church of Rome aligning themselves with the eastern orthodox church to seek “mutual respect” with Islam. Pope Francis also visited a mosque and prayed facing Mecca. He said that he prayed most of all for “peace”. As the apostle Paul wrote in 1Thessalonians 5:3, While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

Be on the lookout for a worldwide military leader to arise out of Islam to complete the “unholy trinity” of the Dragon (Satan), the Beast (the Antichrist) and the False Prophet (lamb who speaks like a dragon).

How does the dragon speak? He is subtle, clever and deceptive.

Interesting rumblings…

The spirit of Haman (antichrist) is alive and well

Abbas is calling for a Day of Rage in Jerusalem in response to Israel opening the site of the temple mount up for Friday prayers. Currently there is an Islamic mosque erected on the site. This to me is reminiscent of Esther 3:13.

Perhaps another indicator that the antichrist (Revelation 13:2) will hail from the ranks of Islam. Perhaps the false prophet, described interestingly as a “lamb” (Revelation 13:11), will hail from Rome and will unite the false church with Islam, creating a one-world religion and a one-world government.

Implantable technology — the antichrist will love it

Here’s an article highlighting some “implantable technology” that is coming down the pike really soon. Check out #9! That little bad boy goes either in the hand between the thumb and forefinger, or in the forehead right above the hairline, just like the Bible describes!

As for me an my house, we will serve the Lord. Don’t plan on sticking any of that stuff in this old bird.

Revelation 13:16-7 “And he (the antichrist) causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.”

Don’t be deceived. The antichrist will come with a powerful deception which will be very effective on people who don’t love the truth. How many of Satan’s lies have we bought into already? If we fell for communism and evolution, we’ll be ALL IN when he comes around with the mark of the beast. Christian if you accept the mark, it is GAME OVER! (see Revelation 14:9-10).

Don’t miss heaven for the world

OK so the apostle John described the new Jerusalem as being a cube about 1500 miles in each direction. Let’s be generous and say there are 10 billion people altogether throughout history that receive Jesus’ salvation. If you give each one of them a mansion the size of the Empire State Building, you’ve taken up about one percent of the area of New Jerusalem, leaving 99% of the city for other stuff (or bigger mansions).

Did I mention that the whole thing is made of pure, totally translucent gold and colored gemstones? Did I mention that God Himself is in the center of it, living WITH US?

For me, this gives new perspective to Jesus’ admonition “If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out, and if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off”. I always thought He was exaggerating for effect… But given the GLORIOUSNESS of His coming Kingdom, I think maybe He is just saying don’t let ANYTHING in this crappy, fallen, cursed world keep you from obtaining your share of His inheritance.

The lowliest, most humble, saved-by-the-skin-of-his-teeth resident (picture the thief on the cross) of New Jerusalem makes Donald Trump look like a vagrant by comparison.

Interesting development here – maybe part of setup for Ezekiel 38-39?

Ezekiel 38-39 predicts that an alliance of Russian and Iran, along with others, will attack Israel.  Russia is supplying the technology and know-how to Iran to build their nuclear warheads.  If Israel tries to take out Iran’s nuclear facilities with a preemptive strike, you can bet that Iran and Russia, their nuclear supplier, will be rather put out.  Don’t expect the U.S. to lift a finger in Israel’s defense.  Expect maybe some “tough talk” and finger wagging from our President and state department while we abandon our ally and hide over here in the other hemisphere.

The following article shows that the Russians are focused on the Jews for some strange reason as they take over the Ukraine.  Hmmm I wonder what’s up?

Now the Russians are denying…

Encouraging signs of alliance between Jews and Christians

I found This Wall Street Journal editorial in this morning’s paper to be very encouraging.  I think that increasingly, and especially under Benjamin Netanyahu’s leadership, Israel is recognizing more and more that Bible-believing Christians worldwide are their most faithful ally.

They seem to recognize that although the U.S. on an official diplomatic level has all but thrown them to the wolves, the worldwide community of true Christian believers has nothing but respect and love for the Jewish people and the nation of Israel.

It would be understandable, to me, if Israel harbored suspicion and animosity toward all of Christendom, given many centuries of harsh treatment at the hands of the supposedly “Christian” establishment in Rome.  That persecution was inspired by Satan, perpetrated by evil men, and had no valid root in New Testament theology.  However it seems that today the message of support and honor from millions true Christian believers throughout the world toward Israel and the Jews is starting to resonate with Israel and the Jews.  In my view, just another sign that we are getting close to the time of the end.

Here’s the article written by Israel’s current ambassador to the UN in support of persecuted Christians throughout the Islamic middle east.