Getting ready for Revelation 13?

Revelation 13 describes two beasts, the first of which could be understood to be the “antichrist” and the second who could be understood to be the “false prophet” of Revelation 16:13. Could the two horns of the lamb that speaks like a dragon in Revelation 13:11 represent the church of Rome and the eastern orthodox church hierarchies?

In this article, you can see the representatives of the church of Rome aligning themselves with the eastern orthodox church to seek “mutual respect” with Islam. Pope Francis also visited a mosque and prayed facing Mecca. He said that he prayed most of all for “peace”. As the apostle Paul wrote in 1Thessalonians 5:3, While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

Be on the lookout for a worldwide military leader to arise out of Islam to complete the “unholy trinity” of the Dragon (Satan), the Beast (the Antichrist) and the False Prophet (lamb who speaks like a dragon).

How does the dragon speak? He is subtle, clever and deceptive.

Interesting rumblings…