Kenyan Pastors ask President Obama to leave his gay agenda at the door
Mark Kariuki represents a coalition of 38,000 Kenyan churches and 10,000,000 Kenyan Christians. Since the U.S. is seven times the size of Kenya, that would be the equivalent of a leader in the U.S. representing 70,000,000 Americans and 266,000 churches standing up and telling Obama we’re not accepting his gay agenda. Can you imagine if Christians in the U.S. had resolve and leadership like this? If that were the case I can assure you that there wouldn’t have been rainbow lights on the White House a few weeks ago.
But U.S. Pastors are so scared about losing their precious 501c3 status that they don’t even chirp or move a wing. We have a leadership deficit in the church in America. We have a courage deficit in the church in America. We need more Holy Spirit anointing, power and boldness.
“I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who can kill the body, and after that have nothing more that they can do.” – Luke 12:4
The problem is that the church in america is infected with the culture, just like the majority of the churches in Revelation 2-3. There are people speaking out and this is a great opportunity to separate the true church from the false one. In addition, the most vocal members of the evangelical community are standing against it, and are being marginalized for their disagreement. I wholeheartedly disagree with your comment about the white house, Obama would support the movement even if every person on the country who believed in the Bible were vocal.
I wasn’t saying that the President wouldn’t have supported the movement, I just mean that there would have been nothing to “celebrate” because the court wouldn’t have so rashly moved to redefine marriage.
Let we think this is an American problem, look at this survey from Austrailia The agenda is working, and after evolution, the gay agenda is the leading reason (30%!) why people are doubting christianity.
The devil knows that his time is short and is mounting a full court press in these last days with the big lies of Islam, Evolution, Marxism and LGBT. I suppose one could even add “climate change” to that cocktail. Genesis 8:22 disproves “climate change” for the Christian. If a Christian is sucked into the lie of “climate change,” he is totally deceived by you-know-who.
Another thing, this is why aligning ourselves with the ‘social justice’ movement is so dangerous.
Yes, the left loves their terminology. Nebulous and undefinable terms like “social justice”, “climate change”, “middle class”, “hate-speech”, “gender identity” and “the economy” morph constantly to mean whatever is convenient at the moment. We are fools to accept their lexicon of lies.