For many years I have avoided drinking tap water. One of the many reasons for this is the fact that they add Flouride to the water.
Here’s a study from England that suggests ill-effects from fluoride. Study from England about Flouride in drinking water
It is my personal, “unscientific” opinion that many of the health and wellness issues faced within our society today are the result of tampering by “scientists” who puff themselves up, thinking that they understand something, when in fact they are clueless.
The Bible says that if anyone imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know (1Corinthians 8:2). We should diligently search for knowledge, not only about our world, but about God’s Word. But we need to have a healthy respect for what we do not fully understand. Nothing that we ever discover or learn will ever contradict God’s Word. We need to put our trust first in His Word and act in accordance with its principles. Jeremiah 17:5 makes it quite plain that anyone who puts his trust in the wisdom of men rather than in the word of the Lord is under a curse.
This is why I distrust even those who are highly esteemed within our society such as scientists and Doctors. Especially those who don’t themselves bow the knee to the Creator.
I hate to break it to you, but most bottled water is just bottled from the tap, and also contains flouride.
Here are some without flouride, and some ways to remove it.
Crystal Rock water has no fluoride. That’s what I drink at home and at the office.
That is good to know. We have an RO filter in our home.