Apparently they are now worshipping the departed Hugo Chavez in Venezuela by creating their own version of the Lord’s prayer and directing it to him. Here is the article.
Makes the stories in Daniel about kings demanding worship and prayer that much more believable.
I’ve always noticed that Democrat/Socialist/Communist types are particularly oriented toward the worship of human leaders/celebrities/personalities. Look at our own Democrat voters how they direct their worship toward “the One” President Obama, who has never accomplished one positive thing but has devoted his entire administration toward creating crises that serve as a justification to usher in a totalitarian regime. Notice the sycophantic adoration of Hillary Clinton, who likewise cannot name a single legislative accomplishment yet has the undying devotion of the masses. Trust me we are not far behind Venezuela. Every Democrat politician dreams of being worshipped in this same way. Hugo Chavez represents for them the ultimate fulfillment of their own plans. Too bad they will never get what they want — God has never been big on sharing His Glory with others. Think of Nebuchadnezzar whose mind was changed to that of a beast after praising himself as a creator. Think of Herod who was eaten by worms after basking in his brief moment of deification just before being sent to his eternal destiny.
While the American nation originally replaced feudal patronage systems with a meritocracy, the Democrats have succeeded in destroying that meritocracy and returning us to the dark ages of a feudalistic monarchy. The Democrat system consists of the power cravings of the leaders, supported by the craven cowardice of the people, who refuse to trust God and instead happily trade their liberty for “protection”. This is nothing other than UNBELIEF. Democrat leaders want to become God, and Democrat voters despise their creator and want to worship and rely upon men instead. It is a perfect combination. Unfortunately the whole happy little party only continues because they’ve succeeded in making the rest of us their tax SLAVES so they can all eat for free while we do the work. Sadly for us, the so-called opposition party consists largely of phonies such as John Boehner, Chris Christie, etc. who have joined in on their share of the government gravy train rather than representing our interests.
There is an undeniable connection between so-called “political” views and so-called “religious” views. The notion that political affiliation is independent of one’s understanding of the Bible cannot be justified. I’m sure there are plenty of believers out there that are also Democrat voters because they’ve been fooled by the lies of the demagogues. My question though is this: if they’re so gullible when it comes to the lies of men, how will they recognize the lies of Satan when it comes time to receive the mark of the beast? How on earth will they possibly avoid the following warning from 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 (which is soon to take place) “The coming of the lawless one by the activity of Satan will be with all power and with pretended signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are to perish, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends upon them a strong delusion, to make them believe what is false, so that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” Mr. Obama may not himself be “the lawless one”, but he is definitely one of the warm-up acts! Get ready people. If you liked the warm-up act, you’ll LOVE the main attraction. That is, until you discover that its too late to repent… Beware Christian of whom you put your trust in.
reminds me of
this is what we get this election cycle
This was in my morning reading, I think it is relevant, since these people do not believe they are but men. As they make the mistake of Pharaoh, Caesar, and Herod, may God reveal them to be only mortal men.
Psalm 9
The wicked will [m]return to [n]Sheol,
Even all the nations who forget God.
18 For the needy will not always be forgotten,
Nor the hope of the afflicted perish forever.
19 Arise, O Lord, do not let man prevail;
Let the nations be judged before You.
20 Put them in fear, O Lord;
Let the nations know that they are but men.