I’m sick of everyone talking about the ‘recovery’ because it is still not happening.
Here are the REAL unemployment numbers that haven’t been tinkered by the current administration.
It is holding steady at 12%
For those paying attention, this is the worst since 1940.
In addition, personal income and wealth is still dropping for the vast majority of americans.
This is made even worse by the outright lies about inflation, which is currently stuck at 10%.
So of the people that ARE working, median income fell during the past 4 years by 5%, using fake inflation numbers. Lets just say the adjustment was half, so the median income fell 2.5%, and over the same period, prices are up about 40%. Basically this means people are making TWO THIRDS of what they were 5 years ago!!! This is INSANE. We must hold these people responsible for their lies.
Excellent post! And sadly accurate. But you will never hear this, even from the GOP. We all have this false perception of stasis regarding our individual economic condition due to flat absolute wages and false CPI stats from the government. We haven’t woken up to it because we can still pretty much put food on the table even if we just barely squeak by with our other bills. But soon something will happen to jar the system and we’re going to find ourselves unable to eat. By then it will be too late. Good news is that our God will provide. Isaiah 33:15-16 “He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly, who despises the gain of oppressions (i.e. politicians getting rich off our labors as tax slaves), who shakes his hands lest they hold a bribe, who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed, and shuts his eyes from looking on evil, he will dwell on the heights; his place of defense will be the fortresses of rocks; his bread will be given him, his water will be sure!”
Take away people’s cable tv (and now netflix and amazon instant), their credit cards, and tax withholding (which hides the truth), and uprising would be more instant then the next streamed movie.