Yet one more reason to leave New York State

Governor Cuomo wants New York to be forced to vote the same way as the rest of the nation in Presidential elections.  Just the latest progressive attempt to undermine our constitutional republic in favor of a “pure democracy” which sounds, to the uneducated ear, like a positive thing, when it fact it is an awful form of mob rule and tyranny by demagogues.   Our founding fathers, because they were familiar with ancient history, knew well the utter bankruptcy of “democracy”.  I believe it was Ben Franklin who described it as two wolves and a sheep trying to decide what to have for lunch.  Democracy is merely a stepping stone to tyranny.

Democrats rely on demagoguery (i.e. appealing to the “feelings” and  baser instincts of low-information voters) to propel their radical Marxist agenda.  Guess what folks, it’s working!