I saw these two articles today, and thought that they betrayed some disagreement between the Graham family. One son and one grandson of Billy Graham, have two opposing views of the position the pulpit should have on political issues. Who is right?
Neither of them appear wiling to be liberal in their interpretation of the scriptures, but I bet the family reunions can be tense given their totally opposing views of our proper role in politics!
Yes quite a contrast between approaches. On the one hand I respect the younger fellow’s determination to address societal issues only within the context of scriptural exposition and with prejudice toward the gospel. On the other hand, I don’t think his characterization of the political efforts of evangelical Christians as being damaging to the cause of Christ is fair. Just because we haven’t been successful in reversing the tide of iniquity and injustice within American society, one cannot say we have had no impact, nor should one impugn the effort, regardless of the temporal outcome. Neither Jeremiah nor any of the Old Testament prophets were “successful” by that standard. But in God’s eyes, they were obedient in faith, which is His only measure of success.