Category Archives: Evil

This exposes the utter bankruptcy of racism

Here’s a nice “in your face” to Hitler (69 years late) Perfect Aryan baby was JEWISH

Today’s most virulent and dangerous racists are not the Archie-bunker types of yesteryear, but rather the Democrats, who categorize EVERYONE into groups such as black, white, Hispanic, Asian, etc. not to help them, but rather to divide and conquer and pit them as a “victimized minority” against everyone else using demagoguery.

Racism was and is encouraged by Darwin’s philosophy. Members of other “races” have historically been dehumanized on the basis of representing a “less evolved” population. While the Democrats are the ones constantly pointing the finger at everyone else and labeling them as racists, historically it has been the Democrat party that advocated slavery based on race, devised the Jim Crow laws, comprised the membership of the KKK in the twenties and opposed the civil rights movement. The fact that today’s Democrat party has somehow gotten people to believe the opposite is a testament to their devious craftiness and an indictment of general voter intelligence. 67% of Democrats believe in human evolution, and 43% of Republicans (these must be the RINOS).

Does it bother anyone besides me that the State and Federal government TO THIS VERY DAY prominently includes questions of “race” on census forms, birth certificates, and many other government applications. And then they accuse us citizens of being racist! You prove yourself a racist when you force someone to categorize themselves in that way on a government form. The Feds are hypocrites. They have no problem discriminating (for and against) people on the basis of race, but make it illegal for private citizens to do the same.

God doesn’t look at people in groups. He looks at them as individuals. Every individual is fully unique and uniquely precious to Him. To define any person as a member of a group is to despise and devalue his God-given human individuality.

To a demagogue (this epithet applies equally to Democrats and Republican establishment types), you’re only useful and valuable to the extent that you help him secure his place at the top of the food chain. Every demagogue wants to make you feel like you are important, but always as a member of a group such as “the middle class” or “women” or “African Americans” or “the poor” or “gays”. Every demagogue wants to demonize certain groups such as “the rich”, or “whites” or “men”. Their entire strategy is alternately portraying so-called “minority groups” (group being defined however they decide) as victims or perpetrators as a means of whipping up the emotions of those whose vote they want to control. Of course, in my humble opinion, any person who is swayed by a demagogue has proved himself a simpleton who is both unworthy of casting a vote and deserving of the tyranny that every demagogue seeks to impose.

Don’t Cross the Climate Nazis

See this article about a Democrat scientist who dared question the establishment

Al Gore famously stated, before the debate had even begun, that “the debate was over”. Now we see what he meant by this. If you as a credentialed scientist don’t toe the party line regarding man-made global warming, you will be dealt with!

Pray that this man turns to the Lord and becomes a powerful spokesman for truth against the lies of Satan’s slaves.

This happened to my son

Article about NJ cop who is tired of being told to profile younger motorists to generate more revenue

My son was profiled by a NYS trooper when he first got his drivers’ license. Although my son had broken no laws, he was stopped by a trooper who accused him of using his cell phone while driving. After my son proved to the officer that he had not in fact used his cell phone, the officer changed his story and issued a ticket to my son anyway for failing to use his directional when changing lanes even though my son DID use his directional.

After reading this article, the whole event makes more sense. The police are being told by their superiors to “raise revenue” by targeting younger drivers who will be too intimidated by the police to challenge their false accusations.

Is this why we have police? To raise revenue? These people should be making license plates.

Save Meriam Ibrahim From Execution

Please sign the petition below.  Meriam is an MD assisting her county with medical assistance.  She and her 1.5 year old toddler (an american citizen) are in prison until she gives birth, awaiting to be tortured and executed for her Christian faith.  Above all, please pray that God would work a miracle and save her.  If He will not save her earthly life, let her martyrdom produce great rewards for the kingdom of God!

Conflict heats up on Bible confiscation in school

The school in Broward County, FL that confiscated a Bible from a fifth grader during a “free” reading period is now caught lying about it.

Tim Tebow vs. Michael Sam

I’m not ashamed to admit it. When Tim Tebow was playing, I was on the bandwagon. I thought it was awesome that as a backup, Tim Tebow stepped in for the struggling 1-4 Denver Broncos and reeled off a string of remarkable fourth quarter comebacks enroute to a berth (and a first round win over mighty Pittsburgh) in the 2011 AFC playoffs. After that season, the former Heisman trophy winner who had led his college team to not one, but two national championships, and who held career SEC passing records, and was a first round NFL draft pick, was traded away to the New York Jets, where he was put on ice and never allowed to start another game.

Many Christian sports fans, including my own flesh and blood son, tend to side with the majority of sports analysts who say that Tim Tebow wasn’t a skilled quarterback and doesn’t belong in the NFL, blah blah blah. Personally, I have never seen a player with such incredible college credentials and with such a promising introduction within the NFL as a starting quarterback, be kicked to the curb so quickly and with such finality as Tim Tebow. I am old enough to remember when Troy Aikman, also a first round draft pick, who ultimately became a celebrated three time Super Bowl winner, was a rookie in the NFL. He was terrible and the team (my team the Dallas Cowboys) was 1-15. He got sacked about a zillion times per game and had a bunch of concussions. But as the years progressed he got better and better and was ultimately acclaimed as one of the game’s best quarterbacks. I am a huge Troy Aikman fan, but I wonder why Tim Tebow, who arguably started his career with more visible success than Troy, was so thoroughly discarded by the league and never given a chance to progress. His record as a starting quarterback was 7-4. He never even got a chance to demonstrate that he wasn’t a good quarterback. All he did was win!

The only explanation (aside from the dubious claims about his lack of talent) that the sports world comes up with for Tebow’s rejection is a desire to avoid the so-called “media circus” and “controversy” that followed him. The only “media circus” was due to his popularity because he was an outspoken Christian believer who was winning games with miraculous fourth quarter comebacks. Sidebar: I think God likes doing this (the 4th quarter comeback thing). I’ll never forget Frank Reich’s 2nd half comeback for the Bills against the Oilers after being down 35-3 at half time to win the game 38-35. He was also an outspoken Christian believer, who was the backup to Jim Kelly (who also became a believer later in life and is now battling cancer). The only controversy with Tim Tebow was the controversy whipped up by the media when they asked him questions about his faith. I guess the NFL just doesn’t want to be upstaged by God, no matter how good or how popular a player might be.

Now we have Michael Sam, the first “openly gay” player. He was drafted in the seventh round this year by the Rams. His college team never won a national championship. However, the NFL is pulling out all the stops to glorify this very controversial figure (quite the opposite as with Tebow). During the draft they televised Michael Sam (quite disgustingly I might add) planting a huge, sloppy kiss on the lips of his boyfriend. When a couple of players tweeted their disgust, the NFL quickly fined them.

To me, it would appear that the NFL has made its official position on Christian beliefs quite clear. By embracing sodomy and rejecting Christian expression, they have clearly taken a side. Therefore, I, as one person who holds those beliefs, am taking a side. I am henceforth boycotting the NFL. I’m not going to watch the games, follow the playoffs, watch the Superbowl, play fantasy football, etc. etc. And I would bet that I won’t be alone. There may not be enough of us left to make a difference, but that doesn’t make a difference to me. I’m out.