There are many sources of pride. It is good to have some examples so that we can recognize it when it rears its ugly head. This was very helpful for me.
“Listen, I’ve been studying the Bible ten years. I’ve been studying the Bible all week long as I’ve ministered here for ten years. And you know what I found? The more I know about the Bible the more I know less about what there is to know.
I’m like the little kid who went down to the ocean and scooped out one bucket full and said, “This is what I know, isn’t it amazing?” No. Not in comparison with the uncharted ocean that lies at my feet. I don’t know much. I know very little. And I’m still learning.
Listen, beloved, Satan is going to tempt you to be proud in your abilities, your economics, your words that you say, your class, your strata of society, your appearance, the position you hold, your social desires, your spiritual life, your intellectual knowledge and all of these things are going to tear right out of your hands humility.”