Jeremiah 22:16
“He pled the cause of the afflicted and needy; Then it was well. Is that not what it means to know Me?” Declares YHWH.
What does it mean to KNOW? The Bible has a far different perspective on this word than we have in our culture. We often think of this word to simply be an explanation of intellectual understanding or appreciation. But let us consider some other instances where this word is used. It is said that Adam KNEW his wife, and she bore children. It is also said that the tree that brought death was the tree of KNOWLEDGE of good and evil, and God acknowledged afterward that they KNEW good and evil. In this instance, we are learning that obedience to the Most High is what it means to KNOW Him. There is a connection between our actions and true knowledge. I think this connection begins with experience. We need to experience things in order to really know them. There is also an element of faith involved here: conviction and assurance. In our study this week, we were in Ephesians 3, and this concept came up multiple times. KNOW the mystery, KNOW the wisdom of God, KNOW the breadth and length and height and depth, KNOW the love of Christ that surpasses KNOWLEDGE. God was not satisfied that the Jews acknowledged his existence, or even that they gave tacit assent by obeying the outward parts of the law. He wants us to KNOW Him by experience, by seeking His face, by obeying and walking with him. He has certainly poured out his mercy and grace to me by allowing me to taste of this knowledge. I pray that you will KNOW Him also.
Love the connection made here between knowledge and experience. All the book learning in the world can’t substitute for actual experience.