Decency defeated again

Shenendehowa’s Board of Education passed a policy last night granting biological males who “identify” as females access to girls bathrooms and locker room facilities. There were 25 people who got up to speak during the public comments (myself included, see news clips below). 20 were in opposition, 5 in support. I was sure the board would reconsider the policy. Instead they stalled and waited till almost 11pm to hold the vote (so most of the 100+ people and the news media who turned out in opposition to the policy would go home before they voted). Then they passed the measure 4-2. The reasoning they gave was that they were afraid someone would sue them even though the law is on the side of separate bathroom facilities. I stood up a second time and accused them of making a cowardly decision. I’m not expecting a Christmas card this year from the superintendent.

I wound up on the local news on all three networks:


ABC 10

NBC 13

You’ll be relieved to hear that I stopped short of breaking into Shania Twain’s “I Feel Like A Woman” during my comments in spite of immense comedic pressure to the contrary.

The one “transgender” student who was the vehicle for this entire policy that affects tens of thousands of students was offered a private bathroom by the school but rejected it in favor of creating controversy.

I don’t believe the strings here are being pulled locally. This is an agenda from higher up the food chain. The whole thing was shrouded in secrecy for eight months (during which time two board members, Rick Mincher and Mary Wiggins, abruptly and puzzlingly resigned with no explanation). The only reason there was any public meeting at all was because at the last meeting word was leaked that they were voting on this.

How do you fathers feel about a policy, now in effect, that allows a dude to share a bathroom, locker room and shower facilities with your daughter?

“Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot -… so it will be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed” — Luke 17:28, 30

“Now when you see these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads because your redemption is drawing near.” — Luke 21:28

Getting ready for Revelation 13?

Revelation 13 describes two beasts, the first of which could be understood to be the “antichrist” and the second who could be understood to be the “false prophet” of Revelation 16:13. Could the two horns of the lamb that speaks like a dragon in Revelation 13:11 represent the church of Rome and the eastern orthodox church hierarchies?

In this article, you can see the representatives of the church of Rome aligning themselves with the eastern orthodox church to seek “mutual respect” with Islam. Pope Francis also visited a mosque and prayed facing Mecca. He said that he prayed most of all for “peace”. As the apostle Paul wrote in 1Thessalonians 5:3, While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

Be on the lookout for a worldwide military leader to arise out of Islam to complete the “unholy trinity” of the Dragon (Satan), the Beast (the Antichrist) and the False Prophet (lamb who speaks like a dragon).

How does the dragon speak? He is subtle, clever and deceptive.

Interesting rumblings…

Joseph and Daniel

Those familiar with the characters of the Bible are certainly familiar with the lives of Joseph and Daniel.  We have much to learn from these great men, who accomplished more in a their youth than most of us will in our entire lives.  Joseph was the favored son of Jacob (aka Israel), who was sold into slavery by his brothers, and ended up ruling Egypt during a time of world famine.  Daniel was taken as a young man to serve Babylon under the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, and ended up ruling over Babylon (and continued to serve the kingdoms of Darius the Mede, and Cyrus the Persian).

The parallels between these two men are stunning, even though their lives were separated by 1300 years.  Both Joseph and Daniel were taken against their will away from their families, in order to serve people and governments that did not even acknowledge the God of the Bible.  Yet even in their dire circumstances, there is no evidence that either complained about their situations.  Instead, they served their God by serving the ones who were put over them.  Their faithful service was both recognized and rewarded.   Although they did not always have the favor of men and leadership, their lives were marked by the success that they had while serving with great effort and humility.  Joseph served admirably in the house of Potiphar, so that his master had nothing to do but decide on his next meal.  Joseph was later was given all the power of Pharaoh.  Daniel was given 3 years to learn the language of his captors, and was quickly granted leadership over the wisest of the realm.  We should respond in the same way when we are given opportunities to serve those in leadership.  No matter what the beliefs of our bosses, our government, or our pastors, we are called to serve them as unto God with all of our body, soul, mind, and strength.  God is a God of order, and requires us to serve where we stand.  Instead of spending all of our time complaining about circumstances of work, country, family, and church, we should rather exhaust our efforts serving with the talents and abilities God has given us.  After all, if Joseph could prove reliable to serve even the master of a dungeon, are our circumstances really worse, providing us with an excuse to not serve them with greater honor?

These men also were granted very similar gifts.  They were both extremely wise, and were given the abilities to interpret dreams, and the opportunity to use this ability since God gave visions of the future to both Pharaoh and to Nebuchadnezzar.  While we are all not likely to be among those who have been given this particular ability, we must recognize that God gives us all gifts to serve at work, and at our churches.  We must not take these for granted, but must use them when we are provided the opportunity.  For some of us, this means praying that we would see the gifts God has given to us, and actively searching for opportunities to use them.

There are also differences between Joseph and Daniel.  Whereas Joseph was a man who was alone in Egypt, Daniel had the benefit of the company of Hananiah Mishael and Azariah (aka Shadrak Mishak, and Abednego).  Despite these differing surroundings, God gave each of them grace to withstand the temptations of their unique situations.  Tests are recorded for each of them: Joseph withstood the seduction of his master’s wife, Daniel’s three friends refused to bow to the idol and made it through the firery furnace, and Daniel himself later survived the lion’s den after continuing to pray even though it was against the law of the land.  Whether alone at work, or having the benefit of the company of other believers, we must spend time in the word and prayer, so that we may be able to maintain our testimony while living in the world that rejects it.

Lest you think that I am preaching to you alone, the message of these two men is just as much a challenge for me as you.  I have squandered many hours of my life ignoring those who should be my friends, not exercising the gifts He has given, and complaining and rebelling against those over me.  For these times I only ask forgiveness of both God and man, and hope and pray that when the opportunity again presents itself, I would be like Joseph and Daniel, and not like my flesh.

When should we turn to God?

We have been reading the book of Job together for a while, and many things that the players say are correct.  This can be confusing, but as Sam and I discussed yesterday, I think the overall point of the book is not only God’s sovereignty, but contains the practical message of turning to God.  We can see this message connected clearly from James 5:

‘You have heard of the endurance of Job and have seen the outcome of the Lord’s dealings, that the Lord is full of compassion and is merciful.’

It doesn’t seem to Job in our current readings that God is compassionate or merciful, because Job is going through incredible trials, and will not remove the hand of Satan from him.  But what is more merciful?  Removing the present suffering? or allowing Satan to buffet Him while using the opportunity to make him more like Christ, and to allow him to learn valuable lessons about his Creator?

James continues:  ‘Is any among you suffering? He must pray.  Is anyone cheerful?  He is to sing praises.  Is any among you sick?  He must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if h has committed sins, they will be forgiven him.  Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed.’

So we pray to God in suffering, praise God when cheerful, and have others pray to God for us when we are sick.  The answer to the question is then obviously ALWAYS.  No matter what the circumstances, we are to turn to God.

Job’s friends did not have the benefit of James’ advice, but if they did, rather than lecturing Job, they would have prayed over him in the name of the Lord, and trusted God to forgive him, even if they believed he had caused the sickness committed sin.  Job had already demonstrated this by sacrificing for his children in the first chapter. Would God have responded with immediate healing? Perhaps not.  But perhaps the book would be much shorter!  Nevertheless, God is sovereign, and sometimes we learn better from mistakes.  Let us all learn from these men, and turn to God daily.

Marine Dad Banned from School

This Marine dad was banned from school for objecting to the school having his children learning the five pillars of Islam.  I totally agree with his wife saying that they are not allowed to teach the Ten Commandments, since this has affected history WAY more than the five pillars of Islam.  I also agree with the Marine in a way, because the five pillars have little to do with history, and more to do with religious observance.  For those of us who are not familiar:

    • Faith or belief in the Oneness of God and the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad;
    • Establishment of the daily prayers;
    • Concern for and almsgiving to the needy;
    • Self-purification through fasting; and.
    • The pilgrimage to Makkah for those who are able.

There is only one of these (almsgiving) which could be even remotely viewed as a non-religious item, and therefore under the laws of our land, the Marine is correct, and this could be viewed as indoctrination.  It is possible, and even likely, that he could have handled the situation better, but the principle should receive a reprimand, and forced to retract said ban.

Personally, I think we should know our enemy, and from a history perspective, we should know the facts of Islam and ALL its affects on society.  However, let them ban us from school for sharing the one true God, and His son Jesus, instead of demanding that our children not be exposed to the false-religions of the world (particularly if they are a Junior in HS).

The spirit of Haman (antichrist) is alive and well

Abbas is calling for a Day of Rage in Jerusalem in response to Israel opening the site of the temple mount up for Friday prayers. Currently there is an Islamic mosque erected on the site. This to me is reminiscent of Esther 3:13.

Perhaps another indicator that the antichrist (Revelation 13:2) will hail from the ranks of Islam. Perhaps the false prophet, described interestingly as a “lamb” (Revelation 13:11), will hail from Rome and will unite the false church with Islam, creating a one-world religion and a one-world government.

Pride vs Humility

There are many sources of pride.  It is good to have some examples so that we can recognize it when it rears its ugly head.  This was very helpful for me.

“Listen, I’ve been studying the Bible ten years. I’ve been studying the Bible all week long as I’ve ministered here for ten years. And you know what I found? The more I know about the Bible the more I know less about what there is to know.

I’m like the little kid who went down to the ocean and scooped out one bucket full and said, “This is what I know, isn’t it amazing?” No. Not in comparison with the uncharted ocean that lies at my feet. I don’t know much. I know very little. And I’m still learning.

Listen, beloved, Satan is going to tempt you to be proud in your abilities, your economics, your words that you say, your class, your strata of society, your appearance, the position you hold, your social desires, your spiritual life, your intellectual knowledge and all of these things are going to tear right out of your hands humility.

Your best life is coming.

Jer 29:11‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.12‘Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.13‘You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.14‘I will be found by you,’ declares the LORD, ‘and I will restore your fortunes and will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you,’ declares the LORD, ‘and I will bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile.’

How often have we heard this verse, and thought “it will soon be over,” or “all I have to do is seek the LORD, and He will restore me now?”  Let us not forget the lead in to this section: “When the seventy years have been completed…”  SEVENTY YEARS??  Most of the Israelites that were sent into captivity knew that they would never see the restoration of Israel.  However, they were to be content knowing that their God would restore the nation for their children and grandchildren.  They were to seek and pray for the welfare of the city of their captors, the brutal Babylonians, since that was where they were to live during their exile.  The primary reason that God’s prophets said the Israelites were sent to Babylon was because of their idolatry.  History tells us that Israel never had this problem again after their captivity.  The correction of the LORD is far beyond our understanding, and 70 years is but a moment in the span of history, but look what God used it to accomplish!  Are you going through a rough time?  Pray to the LORD that He would help you endure and even embrace the trials you face.  Do not accept false prophesies that may say your trials should have ended already.  He has  a blessed future for you! Continue to seek Him with all your heart, and you will find him.  In the meantime, He will use it to teach you, and in His time you will be restored.  “…In the latter days you will understand this.”  Praise be to the God of Restoration.