Remaking the monarchy

The presidency has apparently become an unassailable monarchy. The supreme court voted 6-3 to place the exclusive prerogative for recognizing nations in the hands of the president. News Article

Nowhere does the constitution place any such power in the hands of the executive. The closest thing within the constitution to “recognizing” a nation is embodied within the terms for making treaties. All treaties must be confirmed by a supermajority of the senate. The court should have designated that the senate confirm the president’s assessment of Jerusalem with a supermajority.

Also, when the constitution doesn’t stipulate something, what should be the tiebreaker? Of the three branches of government, the congress by default holds the highest rank. After all they are Article I. Article II is the executive and Article III is the court. So if ANYBODY should have unchecked authority to make such a decision, it should be the Congress, not the president. Otherwise, why wouldn’t the president be able to override previously ratified treaties by simply deciding to no longer recognize the legitimacy of the nation with which the treaty was made?

The pendulum has swung as far in the direction of absolute executive authority as it can possibly go. Constitutional restraint has all but completely unraveled. And once powers like this are granted to a president, they’ll never be reclaimed, because any person who attains the white house will be unlikely to relinquish them. Sad day.

Lining up Revelation with Reality

Revelation speaks of two mystery contingents that are subject to God’s final judgment of the earth: the scarlet Beast and the Harlot. One of the possibilities for understanding these mysteries is to associate the “harlot” with the immoral, materialistic cultures of the west and to associate the “scarlet beast” with the worldwide Islamic caliphate.

Revelation 17:3 speaks of the harlot sitting on a scarlet beast.

Here are some related observations:

If you look at a map, Europe (named from Europa of Greek mythology) sits atop and “rides” the Muslim world, geographically speaking. In Greek mythology, Europa is represented as a woman sitting atop a beast, just like in Revelation 17:3. The woman in Revelation is called “Mystery Babylon”. The imagery describing her destruction in Revelation 18 comes in part from Ezekiel 27, which describes the ancient city of Tyre. In Greek mythology, the woman Europa came from the city of Tyre. The EU has an interesting building that it uses for its parliamentary headquarters. The building is modeled after a 1563 painting of the unfinished tower of Babel. There are statues of Europa riding the beast throughout the parliamentary complex. All of this intertwined imagery supports the notion that the harlot, “Mystery Babylon” represents the West (the EU, US, etc.).

Revelation 17:16 says the beast will hate and eventually destroy the harlot

The information revealed recently from Osama Bin Laden’s personal files seem to lend credence to this understanding:

CNS News article

Connecting the dots

OK so this week we’ve got a mesmerized Raul Castro wanting to rejoin Catholicism thanks to Pope Francis. I’m not sure how he reconciles that with his atheistic-by-definition communist ideology, but hey, what do I know. Now you’ve got the Vatican embracing liberation theology, a witches brew of Communist ideology and Catholicism.

Gutierrez to speak at Vatican

These are some important dots being connected. All we need now is for Francis to cozy up a little more with the Muslims and you’ve got the basis for your one-world religion and your one-world government pretty much in place. All the countries of the world have already embraced some form of socialism. All we need now is a hybrid of Islam and false Christianity, Chrislam, to secure worldwide unity and peace, right?

Forced chemo treatment

So the state of Connecticut forced this 17 year old girl to undergo chemotherapy against her and her mother’s wishes. She and her mother wanted to seek alternative treatments but the state threatened to take away custody. Upon appeal the state supremes sold out the girl and her mother.

see article here

This is pure evil. Nobody ever gave the state the final say over anyone’s medical treatment. America no longer exists. Welcome to the totalitarian phase. The woman and her daughter should have fled the state. Pretty soon we’ll need an underground railroad to protect people from the medical establishment.

When all men speak well of you

While I have no axe to grind with the Pope, he does not represent me, nor do I acknowledge his authority within the universal church of Christ, of which I by God’s grace count myself a member. He represents a man-made hierarchy that has no basis in the Bible.

My interest in the Pope is purely eschatological. There’s an interesting character described in Revelation 13 (identified elsewhere as the “false prophet”) having “two horns like a lamb but who speaks like a dragon”. I marvel at how the Pope “pontificates” on the religion of global warming. While the world’s most influential population center, the Northeastern US, shivers under a winter that won’t end, the “scientists” have punted the ball to the Pope, who is gleefully carrying their religious message to the masses.

This article from NBC news reports that a mere 6% of people polled by NBC news and the Wall Street Journal view the Pope negatively. Those are pretty good numbers for Francis. Until you read Luke 6:26 “Woe to you, when all people speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets.”

I’m not sure where we are on the eschatological time scale. But it is beginning to feel like we’re getting awfully close to the end. I can’t say that Francis is “the guy” from Revelation 13, but there are recurring prophetic themes that play throughout history, and this one is certainly humming a familiar tune.

O God, do not keep silence

Psalm 83 describes a prayer from Asaph to God, pleading that He tarry no longer. A prayer that He would speak up, defending Israel, since she was surrounded by her enemies, who were seeking her destruction.  The prayer remains applicable today, because Israel is still surrounded by her enemies, who breathe threats continually against the nation, and therefore against the Lord Almighty.  But this needs to be our prayer as well, as we followers of Christ are grafted into the tree of God, and therefore are part of His family, and represent His name in the present world.  From the mild opposition in the USA where the government is branding as haters those who support God’s law, to the Islamic world, where people are beheaded for claiming the name of Jesus, we are surrounded by those in power who seek to destroy the kingdom of God!  It is in this context that I repeat aloud the words of Asaph:

Fill their faces with shame,
    that they may seek your name, O Lord.
Let them be put to shame and dismayed forever;
    let them perish in disgrace,
that they may know that you alone,
    whose name is the Lord,
    are the Most High over all the earth.

We who have read to the end of the book know that this His ultimate plan.  We pray that the Lord may speak sooner, and may stay His final wrath, so that many more may turn to Him in the time between, in this time of the gentiles.  Oh Lord, may you grant us more time to be your instruments, by staving off the growing army against your children.  Push back the armies of the evil one today!


Inerrancy Summit

This is good stuff, and I am so glad GTY is taking this on.  It reminds me of the biography I read of Adrian Rogers.

‘In an ironic turn of events, John left those meetings—where the Word of God was faithfully exalted—only to fly back to California sitting next to Robert Schuller, a well-known televangelist and one of the fathers of the seeker-sensitive movement. During the flight, Schuller told him, “I can say I believe the Bible and make those words mean anything I want them to mean.” That attitude and approach to Scripture sums up the need for this event.’

Begg: “The real challenge is not that we stop believing the Bible, but that we stop using it. . . . Silly illustrations and superficial worship do not set the stage for the gospel”

Spurgeon (obviously he is not in attendance smile emoticon : “[the] best “apology” for the gospel is to let the gospel out. Never mind about defending Deuteronomy or the whole of the Pentateuch; preach Jesus Christ and him crucified. Let the Lion out, and see who will dare to approach him. The Lion of the tribe of Judah will soon drive away all his adversaries. ”

Scott Walker – Steeeeriiiike Two!

I wrote last week that I wouldn’t be able to support Scott Walker who wouldn’t give a straight answer and stick with it. On Monday morning I saw him quoted on CNN those infamous words used by gutless politicians everywhere: “I personally am opposed to abortion, BUT…”

This is not the guy. Even if he were to win the nomination, which I highly doubt, he doesn’t appear to have the courage to lead. Just my take on it so far.

One of the reasons I avoid tap water

For many years I have avoided drinking tap water. One of the many reasons for this is the fact that they add Flouride to the water.

Here’s a study from England that suggests ill-effects from fluoride. Study from England about Flouride in drinking water

It is my personal, “unscientific” opinion that many of the health and wellness issues faced within our society today are the result of tampering by “scientists” who puff themselves up, thinking that they understand something, when in fact they are clueless.

The Bible says that if anyone imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know (1Corinthians 8:2). We should diligently search for knowledge, not only about our world, but about God’s Word. But we need to have a healthy respect for what we do not fully understand. Nothing that we ever discover or learn will ever contradict God’s Word. We need to put our trust first in His Word and act in accordance with its principles. Jeremiah 17:5 makes it quite plain that anyone who puts his trust in the wisdom of men rather than in the word of the Lord is under a curse.

This is why I distrust even those who are highly esteemed within our society such as scientists and Doctors. Especially those who don’t themselves bow the knee to the Creator.