The one thing that is a greater threat than ISIS is progressive liberals like Beckel.
The one thing that is a greater threat than ISIS is progressive liberals like Beckel.
I’m glad that Greg Laurie is saying something about this. I wonder what her father Jon Voight thinks about it. I, for one, am reading the book instead. Maybe more will read it after they see the reader’s digest movie.
Article from Albany Business Review about hotel advertising “divorce weekend getaways”
Have we become this callous and nonchalant about our sacred covenants and the foundational underpinnings of our society?
Matt mentioned to me last night that the state police were taking over in Ferguson, but I didn’t realize that the situation was getting this bad. Peace and Safety. Come Quickly Lord Jesus.
What right does the state have to define child neglect as leaving a child at the park to meet some friends?
This is purely insane.
I guess it only figures that Disney would be the first to get people to volunteer to put their identity, payment, and gps all together on their wrist. I can’t wait for them to start tatooing it on your hand. Maybe it will come in your choice of disney characters?
Brigitte Gabriel – Heritage Foundation Panel
All I can say is wow. A woman like Deborah.
I do not wish to be associated with this brand of Christianity. I wonder how it is possible that anyone who reads and believes the Bible could come out in opposition to the return and presence of Israel in their promised homeland as richly prophesied throughout the Scriptures. Maybe that’s the problem — I wonder how many Presbyterians today actually read and believe the Bible…
The opening sentence is crazy. “In an attempt to ease crushing student debt,” the big O decides to pay it forward.
I’m sorry, but I fail to understand either why he has the right to do this, nor how it helps.