Category Archives: Evil

When all men speak well of you

While I have no axe to grind with the Pope, he does not represent me, nor do I acknowledge his authority within the universal church of Christ, of which I by God’s grace count myself a member. He represents a man-made hierarchy that has no basis in the Bible.

My interest in the Pope is purely eschatological. There’s an interesting character described in Revelation 13 (identified elsewhere as the “false prophet”) having “two horns like a lamb but who speaks like a dragon”. I marvel at how the Pope “pontificates” on the religion of global warming. While the world’s most influential population center, the Northeastern US, shivers under a winter that won’t end, the “scientists” have punted the ball to the Pope, who is gleefully carrying their religious message to the masses.

This article from NBC news reports that a mere 6% of people polled by NBC news and the Wall Street Journal view the Pope negatively. Those are pretty good numbers for Francis. Until you read Luke 6:26 “Woe to you, when all people speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets.”

I’m not sure where we are on the eschatological time scale. But it is beginning to feel like we’re getting awfully close to the end. I can’t say that Francis is “the guy” from Revelation 13, but there are recurring prophetic themes that play throughout history, and this one is certainly humming a familiar tune.

Christians to blame for slavery and Jim Crow?

Obama’s comments at a prayer breakfast

So President Obama is blaming slavery and Jim Crow laws on Christians? Horse hockey! The people behind BOTH slavery and Jim Crow laws were DEMOCRAT VOTERS!!! The KKK consisted of DEMOCRATS! Look it up! The REAL Christians were the abolitionists!!!

This is not mere ignorance. This is presidential prevarication of the lowest order. Yet the bots will carry these falsehoods near and far like good little soldiers of the prince of the power of the air.

What’s in a name?

Book about boy in heaven discredited by its own supposed author

I hate to draw attention to this very sad story, but seriously, how could anyone buy a book like this by an author named “Malarkey”? No really, think about it. God knew that this was all going to happen, and saw to it that the family name was “Malarkey”. Yes it is sad, yes it is tragic, yes it brings discredit to our confession, but it wasn’t like we didn’t have any clues or tipoffs right?

Seems to me that the publishers were seeing dollar signs and didn’t do their homework. Let that be a lesson to all of us.

Don’t hold your breath on gay marriage at the Supreme Court

Supreme Court will Rule on Gay Marriage in USA

Those of you who, like myself, oppose the legal recognition of gay marriage, might be tempted to get your hopes up. After all the Supreme Court currently holds a supposed 5-4 “Conservative” majority. But before you get excited, recognize the following:

1. Anthony Kennedy is no conservative. He can be counted on to uphold gay marriage.
2. John Roberts is a fake conservative plant who has proven that he can be manipulated. If Kennedy falters, he will cover.
3. Justices Ginsberg (you know, the one who looks like “granny” on the Beverly Hillbillies), Sotomayor, Kagan, and Breyer will obviously vote in favor of gay marriage.
4. Justices Thomas, Scalia and Alito can be counted on to oppose gay marriage.
5. Roberts may vote against gay marriage as cover for his fake conservatism as long as Kennedy favors gay marriage. But rest assured, if Kennedy opposes it, Roberts will jump in with Breyer and company.
6. Nobody is going to want to be the guy who tells the gays that have already married that it doesn’t count.
7. If gay marriage gets upheld by the court, it will be the law of the land. Then watch how quickly it becomes a felony to speak against homosexuality. Then watch some Christian Pastors getting thrown in jail while other squishy manpleasers “toe the line”.

So my prediction is 5-4 in favor of gay marriage with either Roberts or Kennedy putting it over the top. Yes I realize my predictions are pretty obvious. I just didn’t want anyone to get their hopes up in vain. Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer, er, Denny?

Physician-assisted suicide coming soon to NY?

Death with dignity?

The medical establishment has pretty much destroyed every aspect of the Hippocratic oath. Here are a few excerpts from the original Hippocratic oath that have been completely reversed during our lifetime.

“With regard to healing the sick, I will devise and order for them the best diet, according to my judgment and means; and I will take care that they suffer no hurt or damage.”

Today’s physicians have become pill pushers, prescribing medication to everything that moves, and being richly compensated by the Pharmaceutical companies accordingly, not considering the long-term effects on the patient.

“Nor shall any man’s entreaty prevail upon me to administer poison to anyone; neither will I counsel any man to do so. Moreover, I will get no sort of medicine to any pregnant woman, with a view to destroy the child.”

This clause of the oath completely forbids any manner of abortion or physician-assisted suicide. Yet so-called “physicians” are called upon to perform these heinous acts in our society today.

“Whatever, in the course of my practice, I may see or hear (even when not invited), whatever I may happen to obtain knowledge of, if it be not proper to repeat it, I will keep sacred and secret within my own breast.”

You cannot walk into a Doctor’s office today without first signing over your right of privacy. Today’s corrupt laws force Physicians to violate the Hippocratic oath by sharing private information with the state.

These are just a few reasons why I personally have zero faith in the medical establishment. I know there are many brilliant, compassionate and honorable people that are physicians. But the system to which they have all subjugated themselves is quite corrupt.

Duke University Adopts the Religion of the Beast

Article about Duke University and their Muslim call to prayer

I’m so happy I didn’t send my son here. Of course he did go to Princeton and had Al “Jazeera” Gore as the one of the commencement speakers. Honestly, whatever. But I will bet any amount of money that not a single atheist will complain or raise even the faintest objection about this. Imagine the outrage from the atheists if Duke took a similar step toward promoting the practice of Christianity among its students! There is a reason for this. All of these people: atheists, Muslims, progressives (communists), LGBT, etc. are all worshippers of the Beast and are all marching in lockstep toward the same goal. It doesn’t matter that their supposed ideologies are in conflict. The ideologies are just a smokescreen. The real reality is enslavement to and worship of the Beast. That is the prevailing reality, logical contradictions notwithstanding.

We may have given up the fight, but they haven’t

Christians long ago gave up the fight against abortion. But Planned Parenthood hasn’t given up their encouragement and sponsorship of the murder of babies in the womb and the destruction of Biblical values regarding human sexuality. Here’s Planned Parenthood’s 2014 Annual Report recording that they killed another 330,000 babies last year. Just as a reference point, only an average of 110,000 soldiers were killed each year during our own bloody Civil War. Planned Parenthood does triple that number EVERY YEAR. And keep in mind that Planned Parenthood is responsible only for about a third or less of all the abortions that take place every year.

Just in case we, like Pontius Pilate before us, seek to wash our hands of this and blame the Democrats (whom some of our own number, I’m ashamed to say, even vote for), it is OUR TAXES that provide 41% of Planned Parenthood’s annual revenue. So way to go, team! Keep paying those taxes and keep voting for Democrats and spineless fake Republicans. In case you’re wondering where the rest of Planned Parenthood’s baby-killing money comes from, here’s an article showing that the New York State Teacher’s union (which takes its money off the top from the salaries of public school educators which we also pay for) likes to write big checks to them.

I wonder when America’s cup of iniquity will be full and we will be made to drink the cup of God’s divine wrath — and it will affect ALL of us. With 56,400,000 abortions since Roe v. Wade to our credit, it ain’t gonna be pretty.

The sad thing is that the significant majority of Americans now OPPOSE abortion. Yet we still stopped fighting. What a bunch of cowardly sissies we are — just sayin’.

Revelation 18:4 Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues”

Decency defeated again

Shenendehowa’s Board of Education passed a policy last night granting biological males who “identify” as females access to girls bathrooms and locker room facilities. There were 25 people who got up to speak during the public comments (myself included, see news clips below). 20 were in opposition, 5 in support. I was sure the board would reconsider the policy. Instead they stalled and waited till almost 11pm to hold the vote (so most of the 100+ people and the news media who turned out in opposition to the policy would go home before they voted). Then they passed the measure 4-2. The reasoning they gave was that they were afraid someone would sue them even though the law is on the side of separate bathroom facilities. I stood up a second time and accused them of making a cowardly decision. I’m not expecting a Christmas card this year from the superintendent.

I wound up on the local news on all three networks:


ABC 10

NBC 13

You’ll be relieved to hear that I stopped short of breaking into Shania Twain’s “I Feel Like A Woman” during my comments in spite of immense comedic pressure to the contrary.

The one “transgender” student who was the vehicle for this entire policy that affects tens of thousands of students was offered a private bathroom by the school but rejected it in favor of creating controversy.

I don’t believe the strings here are being pulled locally. This is an agenda from higher up the food chain. The whole thing was shrouded in secrecy for eight months (during which time two board members, Rick Mincher and Mary Wiggins, abruptly and puzzlingly resigned with no explanation). The only reason there was any public meeting at all was because at the last meeting word was leaked that they were voting on this.

How do you fathers feel about a policy, now in effect, that allows a dude to share a bathroom, locker room and shower facilities with your daughter?

“Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot -… so it will be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed” — Luke 17:28, 30

“Now when you see these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads because your redemption is drawing near.” — Luke 21:28

Getting ready for Revelation 13?

Revelation 13 describes two beasts, the first of which could be understood to be the “antichrist” and the second who could be understood to be the “false prophet” of Revelation 16:13. Could the two horns of the lamb that speaks like a dragon in Revelation 13:11 represent the church of Rome and the eastern orthodox church hierarchies?

In this article, you can see the representatives of the church of Rome aligning themselves with the eastern orthodox church to seek “mutual respect” with Islam. Pope Francis also visited a mosque and prayed facing Mecca. He said that he prayed most of all for “peace”. As the apostle Paul wrote in 1Thessalonians 5:3, While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

Be on the lookout for a worldwide military leader to arise out of Islam to complete the “unholy trinity” of the Dragon (Satan), the Beast (the Antichrist) and the False Prophet (lamb who speaks like a dragon).

How does the dragon speak? He is subtle, clever and deceptive.

Interesting rumblings…

The spirit of Haman (antichrist) is alive and well

Abbas is calling for a Day of Rage in Jerusalem in response to Israel opening the site of the temple mount up for Friday prayers. Currently there is an Islamic mosque erected on the site. This to me is reminiscent of Esther 3:13.

Perhaps another indicator that the antichrist (Revelation 13:2) will hail from the ranks of Islam. Perhaps the false prophet, described interestingly as a “lamb” (Revelation 13:11), will hail from Rome and will unite the false church with Islam, creating a one-world religion and a one-world government.