In the words of Mr. T, “I pity the fool” who would try to confiscate a Bible from my child. I know that “vengeance belongs to the Lord”, but come on people, show a little backbone against these sons and daughters of Belial! If this were my kid, I would not rest until this teacher issued a public and personal apology and was terminated.
Category Archives: Constitutional Freedoms
Discussion of the erosion, preservation and restoration of Constitutional Freedoms in the US
Christians not allowed to go to college?
So in addition to Christians not wanted in New York, apparently we aren’t wanted at community college. This is just downright bizarre.
Illegal search and seizure
A friend of mine got hit with this.
Isn’t this illegal search and seizure?
Yet one more reason to leave New York State
Governor Cuomo wants New York to be forced to vote the same way as the rest of the nation in Presidential elections. Just the latest progressive attempt to undermine our constitutional republic in favor of a “pure democracy” which sounds, to the uneducated ear, like a positive thing, when it fact it is an awful form of mob rule and tyranny by demagogues. Our founding fathers, because they were familiar with ancient history, knew well the utter bankruptcy of “democracy”. I believe it was Ben Franklin who described it as two wolves and a sheep trying to decide what to have for lunch. Democracy is merely a stepping stone to tyranny.
Democrats rely on demagoguery (i.e. appealing to the “feelings” and baser instincts of low-information voters) to propel their radical Marxist agenda. Guess what folks, it’s working!
Federal takeover
And here I thought tampering with the mail was a federal crime
So now the postal service is going to capture and sell your information?
Back in the 1870’s, stage coach robbers used to get super stiff 20+ year sentences if they opened up the US mail sacks during a stage coach robbery. So most of the time they left the mail sacks alone during the robberies.
But I guess the postal service is not subject to the law like the rest of us…
Welcome to Animal Farm
According to this article, adult takers outnumber makers almost 2-1.
And we wonder how the Democrats manage to stay in power…
FBI says “never mind Islamists, the real terrorists are American citizens”
It is very simple:
If you believe, as our founders did, in the supremacy of the individual, YOU are a TERRORIST.
If however you bow to the supremacy of the state, you are a PATRIOT.
You have to give the progressives a lot of credit for having subtly but completely reversed the definition of terms enroute to a wholesale takeover of the country and utter subjugation of the entire population.
Here is the article:
A glimpse into the mind of Michael Bloomberg
For the first time in my life I actually felt sorry for Michael Bloomberg when I read this article.
This is the man who wants to disarm everyone in America but travels with a large armed security detail for himself.
This is the man who knows better than everyone else and feels that he should be making the decisions for you about how large your soda cup should be.
I suppose, then, that it stands to reason that his high self-opinion and self-deception would carry over into spiritual matters…
May God open his eyes and grant him repentance unto life.
Anybody else see the irony?
I was mildly incensed by this Wall Street Journal editorial that appeared in this morning’s paper. Here is a member of British parliament trying to school us Americans on how we should feel about Edward Snowden:
I sent the following letter in response:
Always nice to hear from the British, but they didn’t understand Americans then and they don’t now. We value our freedom and privacy above the “security” that the NSA claims to provide. And yes, the NSA’s unwarranted search, seizure and storage of our emails and phone records is in fact illegal according to the
fourth amendment of the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land. The question of whether Edward Snowden is a hero or a traitor hinges on your
perspective: whether you are a private citizen disabused of your constitutional
rights by an overreaching, secretive and unaccountable government; or whether
you are a representative of that same government, using the NSA to help you
cling to power over the very citizens you are supposed to serve.